Thursday, March 27, 2008

About this Poker thing

So I'm trolling around the low limits on Stars doing the $5.50 SNG's lately and I'm doing something right I guess. In my last 4 tourneys I've had 2 firsts and a second, although I must say the tourney I just won happened because my jacks beat queens or I'd have been gone, but other than that it's almost too simple. Play tight, surf the web and listen to music and don't pay attention to the game the first few levels unless you get a monster or a free walk in the blinds. It's only when the blinds get to $50-100 do I really start focusing and by that point we've generally lost at least 2-3 players. I'm generally a fairly passive player if there's a table captain or generally aggressive player until I can catch some cards. If the table is overly passive I'll loosen up and look for easy money but I'll back down if someone plays back at me. Christ, it's hard NOT to at least make it down to the bubble with this strategy, although if you haven't caught any cards you'll generally be short stacked. Boring? Can be but heads up is always fun and I'd rather be bored in the money than not. I'm only playing one tourney at a time now but I may start upping it until I'm doing four at once. We'll see about that.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter and Poker

Ok, I really wish I had used my camera for Easter dinner because it was a smashing success. I roasted a leg of lamb with a citrus, garlic, Rosemary and mint paste and with a pan sauce with the left over fond, red wine, herbs and lamb juices that was dyno-MITE (said in my best JJ Walker voice). I wasn't sure how my wife and her family would like it since they're not the most adventurous of eaters and lamb is definitely something they're familiar with. They really liked it and I was shocked. I also cooked a bone-in ham in Coca Cola (use Pepsi and die!) with a Dijon mustard and brown sugar glaze and it was fantastic. Homemade dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, candied yams (the one thing I won't ever go near) and green beans almondine rounded out the meal. For once there was no dessert because I was just too stuffed afterwards to do anything but sit in my recliner. A great day.

So I've been dabbling in Sit N Goes on stars lately and I've had about break even success. Truthfully, it's been pretty dull and I've had a hard time getting the itch to play much since I'd rather practice my guitar in the little amount of free time I have.

I'm going to have a rant up here soon about foodie blogs. Yeah, I'm a food snob, but I can't fucking stand people who are bigger snobs than me ;)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Coincidence? I think not!

So, I said I was Tivoing Top Chef last night and what do I see? Them ripping me off! No, not really but what a crazy coincidence. The first challenge was for the contestents to make a deep dish pizza and deliver it to an unknown residence. What did I just do earlier in the day? Made a freaking deep dish pizza and deliver it to my sister in law who just had a baby! Let me say, I'd take my pizza over any of the ones I saw. Don't get me wrong, I'm known amongst my friends as a food snob, but when it comes to pizza simpler is better. Peaches? Grapes? Mermite? Are you fucking kidding me? No thanks, I'll take italian sausage and pepperoni everyday thank you. And the "top" chef who can't even make a souffle? Pardon me, I would have killed both of them and I'm not more than a good home cook. Loved the episode as I think Bourdain is great and Rocco deinitely knows his shit, that's for sure.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Poker No, Cheffing Yes

So I haven't had much to say in this here hole of my internet about poker or cooking. I've taken a break from poker because as a married father of two kids I only have some much free time and for the past few months that time has been taken up by learning the Gee-Tar; Chili-Peppers is where it's at baby. I still cook rather frequently but my little idea of an internet cookbook is about as far away as a perfect Eruption solo at this point.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I may not write about poker or cooking often but I still want to write and don't want to have to start a new blog so I'll just use this spot to spill out my guts and all that good shit. Politics? Check. Religion? Check. Dumbassedness? Check? Poker and cooking? Sure, what the fuck. I will say that the ONE cooking show I really look forward to now is Top Chef which premiers tonight. I probably watch less TV than about anyone I know but my Tivo will be getting this for sure.

Since I'm no longer constraining myself from poker and cooking talk let me say that my favorite sport in the world starts this week...Formula One. It's the ultimate in techology and performance. The IRL makes me ill and NASCAR is ok to watch for a few laps here and there, but F1 is my true passion. My oldest homie and I had a tradition for a number of years where I'd cook a recipe from the country where the race was originating from. So something like Croissants for Austria (look it up, they're not French even though they perfected them, tapas for Spain, Scones for Britain etc...Now mind you, most races are in Europe or the Pacific rim so we're talking about eating anywhere from 2:30AM to 8:00AM. I took this shit seriously. Oh yeah, we'd always drink Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee (best in the world). Then my buddy had to fuck it up and kind of go nuts and drop off the face of the Earth. My son is 4 and loves cars so hopefully in a few years I can start the tradition again.

My quick, early seaon prediction for the constuctors' championship (this should be amusing to look back on in October):

1. Ferarri
2. Mclaren
3. BMW
4. Renault
5. Williams
6. Red Bull
7. Toyota
8. Torro Rosso
9. Honda
10. Force India
11. Super Aguri

Alonso in the Renault is a prick and I'm huge Williams fan, but my gut tells me that Renault will edge them out. From 3-7 should be very interesting. Oh yeah, 1-2 should be awesome as well. Let the season begin!